Saturday, March 7, 2009


The small guy lay on his bed, leafing his way through his Social Studies book.

He paused at a certain page, and suddenly looked up.

"Have you ever been on a plane?"

"Yeah", I said, "Back when we were in Delhi. Sponsored by Dad's office. Maybe 5 times."

"I've never been on one." He sighed, "What does the city look like from up there?"

"Nothing distinct.. ", I muttered, "All you can see is blocks and blocks of buildings. And clouds."

"Wow... I'm gonna fly high, soon as I get a job and have money."

"You will, soon. Just hang on." I smiled.

He now flies.

To his father's funeral.


Anonymous said...

Worstu man..

Unknown said...


Jjkk said...

potru.... free.....

CkisgoD said...


worst.. free...

CkisgoD said...


sad... but he's taking it well..

CkisgoD said...

